No. 374 CEPACET (Kenia) – Vegetable growing and processing

The 18 months project „Poverty alleviation and socio-economic empowerment of rural women in Western Kenya“ aims at addressing the specific needs of employment and income generation activities for rural women in Western Kenya. The project shall target 200 young, middle aged and elderly women drawn from Homa-Bay and Nyamira Counties (100 from each location). They shall receive separate vocational training based on group interests, proximity to the project sites, business premises.
The women shall be trained on new technologies in value addition which shall require basic hand held machines especially for potato chips and crafts, hybrid banana growing from Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), and new methods of poultry farming for maximum yield.
Also the online store shall be developed during the project implementation period. This is meant to be a market whereby the project women meet buyers from beyond their local areas including internationally.
Economic empowerment of women in rural areas is expected to build confidence and lead to an increase in women’s decision making power in both the private and public spheres. Moreover, as violence against women (VAW) is a growing area of concern in the target regions, curbing it and promoting gender equality is a major component of the project. The project adopts a participatory, gender sensitive and environmentally sounds approach to help achieve the national goals of poverty reduction and development.

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