Das Projekt in der Region Formosa im Norden von Argentinien kommt 60 Frauen zu Gute, die keiner regelmäßigen Arbeit nachgehen und damit auch kein eigenes regelmäßiges Einkommen haben. Sie pflanzen einige Kräuter und Heilpflanzen an. In mehreren Kursen wird den Frauen beigebracht, wie sie die Produktivität ihres Anbaus erhöhen können und aus den Pflanzen Naturkosmetik herstellen können. Dazu gehört die Herstellung von Seife und Cremes. Gleichzeitig wird den Frauen auch ein Grundwissen an Marketing und Buchhaltung beigebracht und wie sie einen Businessplan erstellen.
There is a tradition of medicinal plants production in the Buenos Aires province of Argentina. Women, using the knowledge acquired from their ancestors, produce natural creams and soaps that cure different diseases, as insect bites and dermatitis. These women delivered their products to the members of the Aboriginal communities in exchange for seedlings. Unfortunately this community project could not be continued for lack of funds and the women contacted the Association for Women Microentrepenurs requesting technical assistance.
The 6 months project consists of the theoretical and practical training of 60 women producing medicinal plants in order to increase their productivity and improve the quality of their crops. The women will learn to classify medicinal plants with cosmetic properties that are more profitable and will be trained to produce soaps and creams from calendula, aloe vera, plantain, borage, chamomile, Rosewood, willow etc. under international fair trade standards. The project will also provide entrepreneurial skills for marketing of natural cosmetic products in order to increase the economic income of the women. They will be certified by the National Drug Administration Food and Medical Technology and will produce soaps and creams under the brand QUEEN OF THE FOREST.
November Newsletter
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