Das Projekt soll den biologischen Anbau von Gemüse, die Kleinviehaufzucht und die gesunde Ernährung in der ländlichen Gegend von Bajo Lempa im Osten El Salvadors unterstützen. Bei der Bevölkerung ist ein zunehmender Prozentsatz von Nierenschwäche und –versagen aufgetaucht, was auf den hohen Gebrauch von Chemie in der Landwirtschaft zurückzuführen ist. Aus diesem Grund versucht ACUDESBAL bei den Kleinbauern zunehmend wieder biologischen Anbau durchzusetzen. Als Kombination zu dem Gemüseanbau sollen Kleintiere für den Eigenbedarf, die Verarbeitung der Milch und des Fleisches und den Verkauf gezüchtet werden. Insgesamt werden Kurse zu dem Anbau von Gemüse, der richtigen Ernährung, der Haltung von Schafen und weiterem Kleinvieh sowie die Vergabe von Mikrokrediten für 179 Frauen über die Projektlaufzeit von sechs Monaten durchgeführt.
The aim of the project „Strengthening the organic food production and contributing to the disposition for a healthy diet for farmer women from Bajo Lempa“ is to strengthen food production and help them overcome the food crisis that the county is facing. In this context it is necessary to organise women in joints that would come up with project proposals to address the drastic weather changes. The proposed activities arise from the reflection of women on their condition and experience in production and their contribution to the household economy that throughout history has not been recognized or valued.
Together with our partner organisation ACUDESBAL we are running a project that will take place over a period of 6 months and will involve 263 women from the Bajo Lempa region. Most of these women have a history of organizational and social struggle, a policy that has generated significant change in the conditions of life in the communities and the country. They have the experience of collective work, which has allowed them to succeed in difficult times, such as floods, droughts, food shortages, extreme poverty etc.
The project will strengthen the women’s productive capacities and increase their production, will improve and streamline marketing initiatives run by women which will have a positive impact on the household economy of rural families. The women will be trained in the establishment of modules of birds, pig breeding stocks and revolving funds. They will also be skilled in basic financial management, solidarity economy, the importance and benefits of integrating healthy products to the diet of the family etc.